Hey alle sammen derude
Ja jeg håber i vil komme med noget konstruktiv kritik
Og hvis i endelig vil låne digtet, så gør endelig det
eller brug det som inspiration
I må bare ikke sige, at det er jeres eget!!!
Or else the big pink dangerous powerpuff dragon is going to eat your brain
Når men jeg håber i nyder dette digt
Dette er et venskabsdigt, hvor venskabet er blevet kompliceret
og hvor kærlighed er begyndt at blive indblandet.
Den kommer fra det virkelige liv.
Og det er igen om min kære ven cupcake
Så mange følelser og ord er så svære at putte ned i ord.
Så mange håb, minder og drømme er lige så svære.
Men jeg vil prøve mit bedste, selvom det ej er let.
For det er sku rets så besværligt at klynge sit hjerte ud,
at vende det på vrangen indtil alt indhold falder ud.
Indtil man kommer til bunden af roden,
roden til ens følelser.
Jeg står imellem mine hænder
et blodigt kaos af had, vrede, smerte, kærlighed
ja hele mit hjertes indhold.
Svært er det at holde styr på,
dog visse ting er lette at genkende i dette rod,
det er nemlig min drøm.
I had a dream i once told to one boy
that dream was about a true friend.
But the boy turned out to be another dream of mine.
But that is not what i want to say to you,
what i mean is, that i'm standing here with a empty dream.
a dream about one true friend.
i have waited so long, but still i'm ready to wait a little bit longer,
cause i would never take someone close to me who isn't worthy.
It do maybe sound selfish and arrogant,
but it is because it is my dream.
I dream about a friend.
A friend who can make me feel safe.
a friend who just can look in my eyes,
and tell me how i really fell
i want a friend who can read me as a book,
even that i want it to be closed to everyone.
'cause it is so lonely in my icecold heart of distrust.
behind many thick walls of steel and stone.
but still i will walk alone if i have to,.
'cause not just anyone shall know my hearts content.
but even closed behind walls of steel and stone.
you have found a way through.
even behind a deathcold heart made of ice.
you have broke trough the ice into my bleeding warm heart.
The one heart who has been lonely far to long.
You have a speciel place in my heart,
i'm hoping you are sitting well
cause i have no desire to let you go.
You are the dream, no not the dream.
Dreams are not real, you are.
You are just as real as the brightest star in the night.
You are just as real as the soft grass beneath my feets.
When i first called you are cupcake,
i didn't think there was a speciel mening for that.
but know where i'm thinking.
a cupcake is a beutiful cake
so full of taste
so compact with so much sweetness.
But it isn't to sweet.
just as sweet so you never want to desire another cake.
Like i said before, my dream was empty.
I had a hole in my heart who needed to be filled out.
And it couldn't be filled out with just anything.
the shape of my hole in my heart is so little.
thats the point of why i compared you with a cupcake.
cause a cupcake is little
and is the only thing who can fit into my heart.
i don't wish or nor desire anything from you.
I hope this prom could show some of my feelings.
if not, i have to try better next time.
Cause i want to asure you
what joy you have giving me.
what happeness and safety
and i could continued for ever.
You can compare love with a snake.
Normally a snake have one prey,
but sometimes it got two.
The frustration and confusion make it
twist and biting its own tail.
It starts to eaten because of the pain and so on.
the snake starts to destroy itself
until nothing is left of it